What is Direct X?

MicrosoftÆ DirectXÆ is an extension of the MicrosoftÆ WindowsÆ operating system designed to provide WindowsÆ-based games and multimedia-rich programs with high-performance, real-time access to available hardware on the latest computer systems. This results in faster, better performing WindowsÆ-based games and multimedia-rich programs.

DirectXÆ works best with updated audio and display drivers that include hardware acceleration features (so for optimal performance, it is recommended to download the latest drivers for your sound card and your display adapter). DirectXÆ includes updated drivers for the most popular sound and video adapters.

For many older sound and video adapters, these are the most recent drivers available. If you are using recently manufactured sound and video adapters, contact your hardware manufacturer to inquire about the availability of more recent DirectXÆ-compatible drivers for your sound and video adapters.

If you have access to the internet, you can download the latest version of DirectXÆ for WindowsÆ 95 and WindowsÆ 98 free of charge from the Microsoft Web Site.

If you have an active connection to the Internet, then clicking the link above will take you directly to the download site, otherwise, here's the address for you to type into your web browser: http://www.microsoft.com/directx/download.asp.

Note: Because this is an update to your WindowsÆ operating system, it is important to create a back-up of your machine before performing this update.